The issues of competition restriction and requirements concerning following the antitrust regulations arise in our practice periodically and increasingly. They include issues connected with companies’ activities, growth of dealer net of manufacturers and importers, acquisition of shares etc. and related hereto realization of a certain brand’s share within a definite market sector, obtaining respective permissions and agreements as well as disputes arising in this connection and subject to a proceeding in a competition authority.
Understandably, the main participants in the said cases are large companies. Our clients, for whom we perform consultations in the area of competition law, are among them. Irrespective of whether they need to obtain permissions or whether we should consult them in light of arisen controversy about their participation interest on a market, we must prepare drafts of corresponding dealer agreements taking into account specifics of this law and not contradictory to its regulations. If there is a need to participate in proceedings by competition authorities, our lawyers would always check possibilities and wishes of our clients with professional accuracy to avoid breaches against competition regulations and practice.
There notable cases, when clients address to us to obtain official statements concerning competitive regulations, on which any legal precedents are still absent. They ask us to determine theoretically, what is going to happen if, for example, interpretation of one of the regulations is performed in a certain way. What a probable decision may make the Supreme Court of the RF, if the case comes to it? Having perfect theoretical training, our lawyers are always glad to give advice to this theme. It is interesting that the law enforcement mostly correspond with the conclusions made by them.
We are always ready to consult our clients concerning the competitive law on the top professional level!