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Since the first years of our activity, we have paid attention to a quite complicated essence of the customs law, which has obtained more and more significance in Russia year after year. This is connected with a quick growth of export/import of goods and increasing turnover of commodities between the countries. It is obvious that the legislator is constantly interested in an increasing degree of customs law regulation in order to protect the interests of the state and domestic manufacturers.

We have often participated in legal disputes concerning legitimacy and reasonability of collecting payments from our clients and/or stopping transportation of their goods through the bound of the RF.

The work with customs bodies to save the so called “green corridor” during importing foreign cars for fair importers was also interesting. This also materially facilitated business, as these cars did not stay at the customs station for weeks any more. 

We have developed and executed agreements with customs brokers, who play a big part for our clients. It is necessary to notice that customs authorities have acquired good technical equipment, qualified personnel and improved legislation for the last 10-15 years. It facilitated the practical work with them significantly.

We are always ready to support our clients within interaction with customs bodies and to help them to puzzle out all details of the customs law.

and many others.

Law firm "Schulze, Brutyan and Partners"

​JBK Schulze, Brutyan und Partner GmbH

 ООО "ЮКФ «Шульце, Брутян и Партнеры»

 ИНН (Tax ID): 7704117390

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