A great place in our legal practice is taken by issues connected with the land and proprietary law. Whether it is acquisition of an enterprise, building or a part thereof, facility under construction, land parcel or pledge of proprietary interest, real estate units etc., our lawyers certainly participate in both development of such deals’ conceptions from the perspective of their validity, tax optimization and the most efficient way to achieve the main economic targets of our clients and in the context of a concrete practical support for such deals including designing agreements, filing applications and obtaining all required permissions, practically applied consultations. Many times we had to register real estate units both in the process of enterprises acquiring and during legal support of such facilities’ construction. Moreover, we have performed it not only within normal legal procedures, but also within court proceedings. These proceedings are often connected with demand of property from unlawful possession by other persons, creation of easements, acknowledgment of legal circumstances, claim against illegal acts of governmental bodies etc. Our lawyers achieve positive result for their clients nearly always, and they proceed from the need to reach a concretely set goal.